Home > Specials    






Overview of what's listed here

From time to time we are able to bring extra discounts and specials that are over and above the standard Defcom Protectors discount.

We will be encouraging our merchants to take advantage of this part of the website.  Some specials may last a day, a week, a month or more.
Remember these specials are an extra bonus.

Why we can bring you these bonus specials is explained below.

Abbreviations: NOSI = Not on Sale Items

When will they happen

The reason why merchants offer us these specials?

  • Our accredited merchants may want to "firesale" a particular item that they have in stock due to oversupply, new models or some other reason.

  • In the case of our tourism and hospitality merchants the reason is often because a particular "time of the year" is slow. 

  • Properties may have a lack of bookings or tourist attractions are trying to get people through their gates.

  • Whatever the reason it's great news for members who benefit from these "extra" special discounts that are over and above the normal "Defcom" discount.

How often will this happen?

  • Impossible to predict. 

  • Obviously in peak periods it is hard to obtain any extra discounts over and above the normal DEFCOM discount from the likes of theme parks etc as it is their busiest time of the year but they have in the past offered some half price or adults at kids promotions in the quieter months of the year.

So remember to bookmark this spot!

  • The site will be updated as often as needed but at least monthly.